Wednesday open house + Update on July's post meeting

This Wednesdays open house will be seeing Mario cooking up some lasagna. Everyone who's down with putting away some good grub should stop by. Seems like we've been eating pretty good last couple of weeks. From Army Tanker's chili-dogs to Paul's Hawaiian stew (I don't know what else to call it since I've never had stew with pineapple before, so don't get the a** at me Paul, because it was damm tasty) . It makes all that calorie burn off on the bike worth it. Our main man Tim gets back from his vacation in the states at the end of the week. If our post had a heart it would be Tim. He's the guy that dots all the i's and crosses all the t's. It'll be good to see our most active, and important member get back. Our resident card shark and news hack Mark S. will also be back from England. I hope he's up to getting his a** kicked in spades.
Update to our monthly VFW post meeting. Our commander has moved the meeting ahead one day to Monday July 2. The reason being we need to get the volunteer list straight for everyone who will be helping out with the "Shoot the Geek" stand at this years 4th of July festivities on post. People are needed on the the 3rd, 4th, and 5th. If you don't have time for all 3 days. Try to help out at least on 1 or 2 of these days. As the saying goes "the more the merrier". So that just about covers everything. In parting here's a link to a book preview that debuts tomorrow. Seemed like a pretty good read to me. Take it easy everyone, and we'll all see each other on Wednesday.