Who's more informed?

I get about 99.9% of all my news from the internet. It's not like picking up the local paper or tuning into the local news broadcast, because by visiting multiple sites you get a wider variety of real news. My honest opinion is that all news outlets either lean right or left politically. So I guess it depends on what you find important, and your willingness to search for the facts. I won't bother listing all the sites I visit on a daily basis, but I will give 2 good examples. The first one is The Huffington Post and for my second choice The Drudge Report.
The lead stories today 25 June 2007.
The Huffington Post - More Lobbyists On McCain
25 US Soldiers Killed In
Cheney Announced Bush Detainee Policy Before Bush Made Decision.
Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps.
Obama: Christian Right Has 'Hijacked' Faith.
As you can see it's pretty much your personal preference if you rely on only one source. Drudge is a right leaning news source, and the right has of late tried to sway public opinion by reporting on the most trivial of things. By keeping the the war in Iraq, and questions of abuse of power by the executive branch of our government. Sources like Drudge are trying to stem the growing public discord with events taking place in our country. I mean seriously who cares about Paris Hilton? Being rich, spoiled, and acting the fool. Should in no way qualify someone as being a person of importance. Then again if we waste our time on meaningless things the real important issues are pushed out of the the spotlight.
The Huffington Post is a left leaning news source. Now that is not to say everyone that reads the site is a left winger, but a lot of the readership is dissatisfied with the state of affairs in our country and the world at large. Now some people would argue that reporting on issues that lead to discourse is hurting our country. On the other side their are many people like myself who believe that getting out the truth, and being informed about the really important issues is the only way we can fix our country. It doesn't matter if you lean right or left. We all know that there are some very serious things wrong with our nation. Only by getting all the facts can we begin to fix the many problems we face as a nation. The right and the left need to talk, not yell, but talk, discus and debate the problems we face today. Hiding the truth, and cluttering the issues with mindless fluff helps no one.