Saturday, June 30, 2007

This and That

Way to go Mika Brzezinski! This gives me heart, knowing that there are still some real journalists still in the main stream media.

MSNBC Journalist Burns and Shreds Paris Hilton Story.

Now something on the lighter side. The English aren't really known for their stand up comedians. So here's an exception. Ricky Gervais, I think this guy is friggin hilarious. So if you're up for a laugh, you should check these 2 clips out. All 7 parts are on Youtube.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Paris Hilton’s Prison Diary

Day 1-5: (reported by inmates) Hysterical sobbing, accompanying by alternating cries of “Mom!,” “Why me?” and “I’m too hot to be in prison.”
Day 6-8: (reported by inmates) Sniveling, looking for mirrors. Found mirror, screamed at state of hair extensions/roots/pores, rushed back to cell and hid under scratchy blanket.
Day 9: (Paris’s own handwriting, spelling errors corrected) Seeing Nicki, Mom and Dad calmed me down. That, and the Valium.
Day 11: There’s a library with old copies of US Weekly from last year 2006. Happier times. Also, how come we all keep dating the same boys?
Day 12: I started thinking about what I should do when I get out. I meant what I said to Barbara, I need to be a better person. This has happened to teach me a lesson about growing up, taking responsibility and owning up to who I am. Instead of using my celebrity for freebies, I should think about helping other people. Like Angelina, except with dogs instead of kids. And she ended up with Brad while Jen’s with nobodies. So helping other people…ooooh, lunch. I hope it’s pizza again.
Day 15: My new cornrows are so hot. I thought that it might be a little too Federline but Tisha convinced me that I need a new post-prison look, like Martha Stewart. Also, the girls taught me how to hotwire a car (so helpful!) and I told them how to make your boobs seems ten times bigger. Then, we did a rap version of “Stars are Blind.” Remix!
Day 16: Today, the girls and I traded tips about self-defense because it doesn’t matter whether you’re from Compton or Beverly Hills, you have to know how to protect yourself from frenemies. They showed me how to cut someone with keys or a ring and I showed them how to cut a bitch down with a nasty look or mean comment about her outfit. I’m going to have them follow me like Gwen’s Harajuki chicks!
Day 19: I’m almost done with the world religions thing. I thought that I would find something that really spoke to who I want to be. Judaism is way too much work. I liked the idea of being Catholic – I have lots of crosses and confession sounds like fun (those little booths are just like Hyde’s VIP), but it seems like I’d be confessing every day, which would cut into “me time.” Buddhism sounds really cool and chanting’s kinda like singing but all that sitting…it’ll wrinkle my Dolces. I think I’m going to stick with what I’ve got.
Day 21: I’m glad that Lindsay’s out first because then everyone’ll want to compare us and they’ll look at that overtanned, drunk slut and me, looking all glowing and wiser, and people’ll realize that jail is way harder than Promises. I mean, I had to eat Wonderbread.
Day 23: I’m going in like 10 minutes. I really think this experience has totally changed me. I talked to people that I usually don’t even drive in their neighborhoods and I realized that they’re just like me, and that even though I am a Hilton, I’m also part of the universe and I need to be more…OMG, Stavros is here! I bet he totally wants to get back together. I need to check my hair.
This story was stolen borrowed from Crackpotpress.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Wednesday open house + Update on July's post meeting

This Wednesdays open house will be seeing Mario cooking up some lasagna. Everyone who's down with putting away some good grub should stop by. Seems like we've been eating pretty good last couple of weeks. From Army Tanker's chili-dogs to Paul's Hawaiian stew (I don't know what else to call it since I've never had stew with pineapple before, so don't get the a** at me Paul, because it was damm tasty) . It makes all that calorie burn off on the bike worth it. Our main man Tim gets back from his vacation in the states at the end of the week. If our post had a heart it would be Tim. He's the guy that dots all the i's and crosses all the t's. It'll be good to see our most active, and important member get back. Our resident card shark and news hack Mark S. will also be back from England. I hope he's up to getting his a** kicked in spades.

Update to our monthly VFW post meeting. Our commander has moved the meeting ahead one day to Monday July 2. The reason being we need to get the volunteer list straight for everyone who will be helping out with the "Shoot the Geek" stand at this years 4th of July festivities on post. People are needed on the the 3rd, 4th, and 5th. If you don't have time for all 3 days. Try to help out at least on 1 or 2 of these days. As the saying goes "the more the merrier". So that just about covers everything. In parting here's a link to a book preview that debuts tomorrow. Seemed like a pretty good read to me. Take it easy everyone, and we'll all see each other on Wednesday.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Who's more informed?

I get about 99.9% of all my news from the internet. It's not like picking up the local paper or tuning into the local news broadcast, because by visiting multiple sites you get a wider variety of real news. My honest opinion is that all news outlets either lean right or left politically. So I guess it depends on what you find important, and your willingness to search for the facts. I won't bother listing all the sites I visit on a daily basis, but I will give 2 good examples. The first one is The Huffington Post and for my second choice The Drudge Report.

The lead stories today 25 June 2007.
The Huffington Post - More Lobbyists On McCain Staff Than Any Other 08 Candidate.
25 US Soldiers Killed In Iraq In Four Days.
Iran Arrests 150,000 For Non-Islamic Clothing, Parades Violators Bleeding Through Streets.
Cheney Announced Bush Detainee Policy Before Bush Made Decision.

Drudge Report -
Judge Criticizes Warrantless Wiretaps.
Obama: Christian Right Has 'Hijacked' Faith.

As you can see it's pretty much your personal preference if you rely on only one source. Drudge is a right leaning news source, and the right has of late tried to sway public opinion by reporting on the most trivial of things. By keeping the the war in Iraq, and questions of abuse of power by the executive branch of our government. Sources like Drudge are trying to stem the growing public discord with events taking place in our country. I mean seriously who cares about Paris Hilton? Being rich, spoiled, and acting the fool. Should in no way qualify someone as being a person of importance. Then again if we waste our time on meaningless things the real important issues are pushed out of the the spotlight.

The Huffington Post is a left leaning news source. Now that is not to say everyone that reads the site is a left winger, but a lot of the readership is dissatisfied with the state of affairs in our country and the world at large. Now some people would argue that reporting on issues that lead to discourse is hurting our country. On the other side their are many people like myself who believe that getting out the truth, and being informed about the really important issues is the only way we can fix our country. It doesn't matter if you lean right or left. We all know that there are some very serious things wrong with our nation. Only by getting all the facts can we begin to fix the many problems we face as a nation. The right and the left need to talk, not yell, but talk, discus and debate the problems we face today. Hiding the truth, and cluttering the issues with mindless fluff helps no one.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Veterans also have a voice...

You know it's time I started blogging again. It came on me all at once. I was checking out some of my older links. Just looking at them, and trying to figure out why I even had them. Well then I ran across these gems. I should say that not just videos motivated me, but the comments. Take a minute and watch this first video. Then read my response to what some pinhead wrote. I am a firm believer of keeping it real.

Simha you should try to understand that Clinton's hummer didn't kill anyone. Much unlike Dubya's lies.. Clinton's lies didn't get almost 3600 of our finest citizens killed. Lies that have gotten another 25000 wounded, and how many of those have lost limbs, been blinded, are deaf, or have brain damage? Not to mention all the brave men and women how will live with this war for the rest of their lives. Spineless f***s like you make me sick. I never liked Clinton, but you have to respect the man in regards to his job performance. Why don't spineless, witless, scumbags like yourself highlight the sins, and criminal violations of this current president?

Really you can't watch this enough. Fox News has leagaly battled to scour this clip from the internet. Watch and enjoy as Bill Clinton gives the most entertaining smack down I have ever seen.

Cool wasn't it. The only thing missing was Clinton saying "biatch". ;)

Social Security

It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Bush. You need to sign
this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that, even if
the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it. It is already impossible to
live on Social Security alone.
If the government
gives benefits to "illegal" aliens who have never contributed, where does that
leave those of us who have paid into Social Security all our working lives? As
stated below, the Senate voted this week to allow "illegal" aliens access to
Social Security benefits.
Attached is an
opportunity to sign a petition that requires citizenship for eligibility to that
social service.

Instructions are below.
If you don't forward the petition and just stop it, we will lose all these
names. If you do not want to sign it, please just forward it to everyone you

Thank you!

To add your name, click on "forward" or better yet, "copy and paste" if you
know how. You will be able to add your name at the bottom of the list and then
forward it to your friends.

When the petition hits 500 / 1000 / 1500 ect, send it to
Instructions are below.

PETITION for President Bush:

Dear Mr. President:

We, the undersigned, protest the bill that the Senate voted upon

recently which would allow illegal aliens to access our Social Security.

We demand that you and all Congressional representatives require

citizenship as a prerequisite for social services in the United States .

We further demand that there not be any amnesty given to illegal immigrants, NO

free services, No funding, No payments to and for illegal immigrants.

We are fed up with the lack of action about this matter and are tired

of "paying" for services to illegal immigrants!

Instructions to sign are at the bottom.

501. Charlotte Clark , TN
502. A H. Clark, TN
503. Susan Koop. IN
504. Dennis Hites. Fl
505. Sandra Sexton , FL
506. Stanley B. Sexton, Fl
507. Louise sova Pa
508. Don Sova Pa
509. Jennifer Frazee Pa
510 Dee Frazee Pa
511. Lisa Stewart Pa
512 Jeff Stewart Pa
513. Wendy Mayo Pa
514 & 15 Mr. & Mrs Allen G. Wood Cerrito s , Ca.
516 L.B Strawn
517 Mary Strawn
518 Ann Tack
519 H. L. Williamson
520 Nancy Williamson
521 J H Arra
522 M A Arra
523 Susan Kent, Fountain Valley, CA
526. Pamela Thomas Saulls, Wetmore, KS
527. Anglo E.Saulls, Wetmore, KS
528. Jerry J. Thomas, Whiting, KS
529. brett lyon utah
530 Linda Moore Gardner, Ks.
531. Penny Bumgarner, Mo.
531. Jeff Bumgarner, Mo.
532. Joe Hess, Mo.
533. L.J. Lightle, Mo.
534. Jena Bernstein, Mo.
535. Evan Bernstein, Mo.
536. Janelle Ford
537 Aaron Ward, Mo.
538. Francine Medina, VA
539. Edward Medina, VA
540. Sylvia Harrison, TX
541. Jennifer Carson, GA
542. Steve Carson, GA
543. William Inman
544. Sylvia Inman&nbs p;
545. Ken Gillespie, GA
546. Annette Gillespie, GA
547.Carol Edwards
548.Valerie Dues, GA.
549. Della Thomas, GA
560. Melba L. Wallace, GA
561. Nancy Lewis, Va
562. Melvin Lewis, Va
563. Beverly Grigsby, AR
564.Lyn Keaster, AR
565 Kathy Gonten, AR
566 Kathy Smith PA
567 Terry Smith PA
568 Tristan Smith ND
569 NIcholas Smith PA
570 Colin Smith PA
571. Dwight Damschroder OH
572 L. Anatra Ohio
573. Paul A. Nickles OH.
574. Mary Ann Nickles OH.
575. Martha Rae Enold OH
576. Ernest T. Enold OH
577. Regina J. Mattox CO
578. Veronica Staron, WV
578. Donald E. Mattox CO
579. Stephen H. Yost
580. Ronald Johnson, Wheeling, W. Va.
581 Kenneth Burns,Wheeling,Wva.
582. Steven Derer, Pittsburgh, PA
583. Charles Town , Indianapolis, Indiana 584. Amber Brandt, Indianapolis,
585 Becky Garrette Nashville, TN
586 Jackie Hammond Nashville, TN
587. Jeri Vincent-Nashville, TN
588 Gina Kresge, Nashville, TN.
589 Kathy Schrader, Knoxville, TN
590.. Sue Bragg, Louisville, TN
591. Tom Bragg, Louisville, TN
592.Ronald Watson, Spanish Fort AL.
594 Susan Baker, Chunchula, AL
595 Rita Darlene Hadley, Perdido, AL
596 Lydia Olivier, Cantonment FL
597 Michael Olivier, Cantonment FL
598 Levie Leyba, Pensacola, FL
599 Nicholas Leyba, Pensacola, FL
600. Lucy Leyba, Merrillville, IN

601. Robert Leyba, Merrillville, IN
602. Lisa Vanderbye, Whiting, IN
603. Linda Dull Pasadena Tx
604. John Dull Pasadena Tx
605. Bob Dull Pasadena Tx
606. Cynthia Vrla, Southmayd TX
607. Corey Vrla, Southmayd, TX
608. Mark Guynes,  Houston, TX
609. Jocelyn Guynes,  Houston, TX
610. Michael L. Sadler
611. Michael T. Sadler, Victoria, TX
612. Helen Seargeant, Brackettville, TX
613. Karen Bizzell, Lakehills, TX
614. Mary Bullard, Greenwich, NY
614. Art Bullard, Greenwich, NY
615 Don Campbell Norfolk, N.Y.
616 Winnie Campbell Norfolk, N.Y.
619 Donna A. Woodcock, Norfolk, New York 620. Tina Winks, West Monroe, NY 621.
Joseph Winks, West Monroe, NY 622. Kristin Lyon, Brewerton, NY 623. Patrick
Wallace, Brewerton, NY 623. Lynn House, Clay, NY 624. Donald House, Clay, NY
625. Donna Marrocco, Rochester, NY 626. Paul Larobardiere, Phoenix New York 627.
Bob Cook, Fulton, NY 628. Debbie Hall, Fulton, NY
629 Dick Colvin
630. Phillip Eno, Martville, NY
631. Elaine Eno, Martville, NY
632. John Perry Baldwinsville, NY
633. Robert C. Swartz Syracuse N. Y.
634. Lou Miceli, Syr. NY
635. Richard L Filippi Syracuse, NY 13215 636. Laurie R Marshall, Holland
Patent, NY 637. Joan Crookes, Ilion, NY
638 Debbie Donahue Mohawk NY
639. Patrick Donahue Mohawk NY
640 Walter Boyles Ilion NY
641 Jacqueline Boyles Ilion NY
642Debbue Webb Jefferson City, TN
643 Harrell Webb Jefferson City, TN
644 Robert Gibson Mooresville, NC
645 James S. Pope
646 Phillip Griffin
647 Jack Snow
648 Mel Kersey
649 Ron Reid, Kansas City, MO
650 Robert Reid, Chattanooga, TN
651 Ann Reid, Chattanooga, TN
652 Michael R. Kraus, Fostoria, OH
653 Richard A. Krieger
654 Phyllis J. Dehring - Ohio
655 Roger L. Dehring - Ohio
656 Pat Delcamp

657 Jim Delcamp
658 Norma Paugh - Fl.
659 Donald Paugh - Fl.
670 Opal Whitsit, FL.
671 Richard Whitsit, FL.
672 Mary Williams, IN
673 Les Williams, IN
674 John Cox, IN
675 Margaret Wagner, IN
676 Gloria Harris
677 C. A. Johnson
678.Brandie Wolowinski,IN
679 Inge Ogden,IN
680 William Ogden,IN
681 Liza Ogden,IN
682 Tony Fegley,IN
684 Ralph johnson IN
685 Michael Hays, IN
686 Robert Lindsey IN
687 Sondra Lindsey IN
688 Charlotte Shipley, San Diego,CA.
699. Linda Carothers CA
700. Edwin Carothers C

701.Anita Owens, Fl
702 Charles Owens, Fl
703 David Hunter Ga.
704 Linda Hunter ga
705 Norman Strickland,Sr. Ga.
706 Christine Strickland Ga.
707 Norman Strickland, jr. Ga.
708 Robin Strickland Ga.
709 Dobie Strickland Ga.
710 Tammy Strickland Ga.
711 Cecil McCollum SR,GA
712 Margie McCollum, GA
713 Charlie Ladd, S.C.
714. Libby Stafford - Loganville GA
715 John Prater - GA
716 Nancy Prater - GA
717 Wayne King - NC
718 Faye King - NC
719 Janice Cassidy - Statham, GA
720 Robert Cassidy - Statham, GA
721 Jamie Combs - Colbert, GA
722 Alan Combs - Colbert, GA
723.Shelby Moseley , Cumming, Ga.
724 Jo Freeman, GA
725 Betty Phillips
726 Millie Chitwood
727. Maxine Robinson, Atlanta, GA
728. Linda Squires, Orlando, FLA
729. Sarah Squires, Orlando, FL
730. Quinn Curtis, Orlando, FL
731.Craig Fournier, Lake Mary,Fl.
732. Amanda Wright, Savannah, NY
733. Joshua Curry
734. April Dillard
735. David Jackson
736. Becky Jackson
737. James Jackson
738. Kay Jackson
739. Glen Jackson Tn.
740. Sonya Jackson Tn.

741. James Roleson, Memphis, TN
742 Dennis Rockswold, Riverside, CA

743.Frank Hart Germany
744 Herbert P. Barnes, Reagan TN
745 Kathlene K. Barnes, Reagan TN
746 Hilda Fay Martinello, Scotts Hill TN
747 Joey Bobak Sardis TN
748 Terry Bobak Sardis TN
750 R.F."Dick" Kennedy
751 Antonie Kennedy
752 Matt Coulter

Timothy Gallton

Friday, June 1, 2007

7,264 from our goal!

Veterans of Foreign Wars


In honor of Memorial Day, VFW is launching The VFW Veterans Memorial Wall Campaign.

As a tribute to all of the proud men and women who have served our country and live on in our memories, we are building a virtual memorial on our website- The VFW Veterans Memorial Wall.

The goal of the campaign is to collect the names of 10,000 veterans - spanning every generation - and memorialize them in the inaugural launch.

The VFW Veterans Memorial Wall will be viewed by the thousands of people who visit our site each year and serve as a reminder of the courage and sacrifice of those who fought for our freedom.

We want to ensure that not one single veteran is ever forgotten.

They helped make this the greatest country in the world. And we have a duty to make sure that their dedication to this country is remembered long after they are gone.

Add your loved one's name to The VFW Veterans Memorial Wall today.

Add a Veteran

But hurry! You must send your submission by Memorial Day - May 30th - in order for your loved one to be a part of the inaugural launch of The VFW Veterans Memorial Wall.

And please take a moment to forward this email to your family and friends so they can honor the memory of their hero.

Forward to a Friend

Once The VFW Veterans Memorial Wall is launched, we will email you the link so that you can view your loved one's name and share it with others.

Thank you for remembering our veterans!

Convention Meal Reservations

Please find, fill-out and mail the attached documents to me as soon as possible. There will be no exceptions: If you do not order and pay in advance you will not be eating at the convention's functions.

2007 Meal Reservations.doc


Turn up the sound!

After leaving VP47 in 1967

Stars and Stripes

Did any of you happen to read Teusdays paper. On page 5 you will see what Memorial Day is all about. Post 10592 had and excellent Memorial Day.

Timothy Gallton

Out of Net

As of today I will be out of the net. My grandaughter went into the hospital today and is in the Pediatric ICU. I am in the process of getting the laptop setup so I can see her over the Web Cam. That way we can take turns sleeping and keep an eye on her. Thank God for Modern Technology. I fly next Thursday and will be there in the late afternoon. I will not return until she is better or I am out of sick leave. I am scheduled to be back on 29 June. I am praying that I get to keep that Schedule.
I will inform everyone when I do arrive back.

Timothy Gallton
