Syndicated Talk-Radio Show Hosting Veterans Day Radiothon
to Raise Money for VFW ’s ‘Unmet Needs’ Military Assistance Program | |||
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 5, 2007--In honor of Veterans Day and those who continue to put their lives on the line for our country, “The Rusty Humphries Show,” in conjunction with VFW's “The National Defense” and hundreds of radio stations across the country, will host a national fundraiser for the VFW Unmet Needs program, which provides emergency assistance to military families who face financial burdens, complicated and amplified by a family member's deployment. “The Rusty Humphries Show”, recently ranked by Talkers Magazine as the 9th most listened to radio show in America, will host the VFW Unmet Needs program, radiothon November 8-11. During the 4-day event, listeners will be able to dial toll-free 1-866-437-9283 to donate to the valuable military support program. Since 2003, the VFW Foundation’s Unmet Needs Program, has assisted more than 1, 250 military families by providing them with emergency aid such as mortgage assistance, rent, home repair, vehicle repair and maintenance, medical expenses, groceries, and transportation expenses. Thanks to corporate sponsor Vermont American Power Tool Accessories, 100 percent of all donations go directly to the military families in need. Some examples of how Unmet Needs funds are used: When a wildfire destroyed the home of a soldier from Washington, the Unmet Needs Program quickly joined with the local VFW post, community volunteers and businesses to help the family find temporary shelter and plan for the rebuilding of their home. In another example, the wife of a Missouri soldier was struggling under the weight of medical bills due to a complicated pregnancy and the expense of caring for a new baby on her own. The Unmet Needs Program approved a grant to cover the medical expenses and one month of rent to help get the family back on its feet. To join Rusty Humphries in raising funds for the VFW Unmet Needs Program, call 1-866-437-9283 to make your donation. To donate online, got to VFW Click to listen to VFW's “The National Defense.” |