Wednesday, September 12, 2007

We The People

I was going to publish this long string of things that wouldn't keep people interested, but I decided against it. We have a Bill of Rights and a Constitution . These apply to all Americans! We know what is written in these documents, but do we really understand what it means to us as a people. They are the basic principles that make us Americans. They are the building stones of our nation. It is the principle that the people have the power, and the men and women we designate are to carry out our will. It now seems the people we designate feel that we are small children who don't know the big picture. That fear will make us complacent. Enough we must say!
Many persons try to speak for the people, our elected representatives ignore the will of the people that have sent them there, and we sent them with a clear mission. End the madness of war. It's not happening. We as Veterans should be at the for front of protesting a war that has no meaning. To see what this war really is doing to us, we only need to see how protesters and free speech is being brutally snuffed out. Our oath demands that we demand something better from our leaders. If you have the nerve you should check out this clip.

What is wrong with America? WE don't care! We let this shit happen, and then bitch about China and North Korea. We have lost our way. It's time we wake up and start to make our voices heard.
