America Used To Be Really Goddamn Awesome

Bob Cesca's article can be read here. This is a really good read! Bob Cesca is a writer, director and producer, and the founder of Camp Chaos, an animation studio based near Philadelphia. He's written and produced hundreds of animated shorts as well as music videos for Iron Maiden, Meat Loaf, Everclear, Yes and Motley Crue. After 9/11, Bob directed the independent feature film, The War Effort: a mockumentary satirizing the nation's post-9/11 knee-jerk patriotism. He's also the creator of the animated sketch show "ILL-ustrated" which aired for two seasons on VH1 and MTV2. Bob grew up in Northern Virginia and graduated from Kutztown University with a degree in Political Science. His latest animated project is KUNG FU JIMMY CHOW.
Another piece you might want to read from Bob is "The Democrats Could Learn A Lot From Larry Craig's Balls."